Seoul Light, the DDP comes to Life

Out of the many exhibitions shown at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza, what was premiered to the public on December 20th, 2019, would have to be the most impressive artistic work i’ve ever seen in projection-mapping.

This interactive video projected on the aluminum walls of the DDP is truly visually stunning and many ways. It’s quite futuristic to see and more colorful that the LED light illuminations the DDP currently has already.

The video projection features historical photos from over a thousand years of history spanning the evolution of South Korea to present-day.

Full-length show

A Thousand Years of History in a Single Show

What makes this show exciting and unique is its use of AI technology to depict Korean architecture of the past in a show. With interchanging buildings based on thousands of images, the artist was able to depict historical locations and how they have evolved over many years through photographs that evolve. Showing patterns and the Hangul language evolving from old-written text to it’s modern digital form, it brought excitement and gratitude from the artist to the Korean people who viewed the the modern building architecture of the Dongdaemun Design Plaza.

Photographs of Seoul Light

These photos were quickly taken while recording to highlight the beautiful of Seoul Light Exhibition.

About the Artist

The artistic projection display was created by Refik Anadol, a media artist and director of the RAS.